The CCPL Teen Tabletop Club will provide character sheets and dice, as well as snacks! We'll go over the basic rules of 5th edition DND and what players can expect before diving into a one-shot (standalone) session.
Practice reading to a trained service dog! Grigsby is a great listener and would love to have you read him a story. Reading to a dog decreases the stress that children often feel when reading aloud.
Practice reading to a trained service dog! Grigsby is a great listener and would love to have you read him a story. Reading to a dog decreases the stress that children often feel when reading aloud.
Practice reading to a trained service dog! Grigsby is a great listener and would love to have you read him a story. Reading to a dog decreases the stress that children often feel when reading aloud.
Practice reading to a trained service dog! Grigsby is a great listener and would love to have you read him a story. Reading to a dog decreases the stress that children often feel when reading aloud.